Come address the safety issues that matter most to you. Discuss crime & nuisance hotspots with neighbors and police officers working in your neighborhood.

Southwest Police Precinct
2300 SW Webster
Seattle, WA

Meeting is held from 7-8:30pm on the 3rd Tues of every month except for July, Aug, & Dec.

Thursday, April 29, 2010


The meeting called to order by president, Dorothy Beard. Greetings were extended to the members and guests. Each person was asked to give their name, residential area and/or occupation.

HOT SPOTS were presented by Lt. James, Operating Officer at the SW Precinct.

Generally speaking, the crime trend has continued to be the same with it having been a pretty quiet area during the past month. A couple of arrests in King County resulted in the solution to crimes committed in the Highland Park area.

A stolen laptop was located in Everett. It was armed with a low-jack system. When the police went to the home to investigate, the laptop's new owner told investigating officers that he had bought it on Graig's list. This information aided the officers in making an arrest and returning the laptop to its owner.

Car prowls have remained the same as last month.


One person was concerned about gang activities in the High Point Area. Lt. James asked her to contact him and he would give her more information re her CPT officer.

Karen Berge gave an update on the status of the Block Watch Network and Facebook site. They had first meeting of this group and will be having another in the near future. At this time, the main purpose of the network is to help Block Watch Captains. Karen has put in many hours on this project, and of course, Block Watch Captains do a great deal to enhance safety in their areas.

Melody Sarkies and her neighbors were on hand to presented CPT officers, Kevin McDaniel, Adonis Topacio and Jill Vanskike and Mark Spadoni as well as Lt. James, with Mariners Tickets for the May 2 game. This was followed by cake and coffee and a short social time. It seemed to be enjoyed by all.


Submitted by, Betty Wiberg, Secretary

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