Come address the safety issues that matter most to you. Discuss crime & nuisance hotspots with neighbors and police officers working in your neighborhood.

Southwest Police Precinct
2300 SW Webster
Seattle, WA

Meeting is held from 7-8:30pm on the 3rd Tues of every month except for July, Aug, & Dec.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

May 21st, 2013 Meeting

Our guest will be burglary detective Jill Vanskike, she will discuss factors that attract burglars to specific homes, the most common points and methods of entry, target hardening and the protective devices that are the most effective at preventing burglaries. Also, tips that can aid in the recovery of stolen property and the use of Craigslist, Ebay, pawn shops, and flea markets in the recovery of stolen items. Next meeting June 18th, 2013. Our safety walk at Lincoln Park will take place on May 28th and begin at 7:00pm, we will meet by the North parking lot. All are welcome at both events.

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