Come address the safety issues that matter most to you. Discuss crime & nuisance hotspots with neighbors and police officers working in your neighborhood.

Southwest Police Precinct
2300 SW Webster
Seattle, WA

Meeting is held from 7-8:30pm on the 3rd Tues of every month except for July, Aug, & Dec.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

The next meeting will be October 18, 2011.
SEPTEMBER 20, 2011: Speaker: Angie Kaate, Deputy Prosecutor, King County. The program presented was "Prosecution of Identity Theft". Ms. Kaate also included other topics such as how to help an investigation of identity theft and protecting yourself from identity theft.

Several of the audience had been the victim of identity theft. Many had not reported the crime to the local Police Dept. It must also be reported to the FCD. This is the federal department which acts as a clearing house for this crime and provides assistance with prosecution of major criminals activities.